Friday, February 26, 2016

GCMS Has a Heart!

This Week at GCMS:
We were glad to have one of those rare and wonderful happenings this week, a five day week of school!  It has been a super busy week, and I have enjoyed getting to observe in lots of classrooms this week.  Thank you for your continuing dedication to helping students learn and succeed!  I have just a few notes to share as this week comes to a close.

Great Job on AHA Fundraiser!
After three years in a row as the number 1 school in the state in fundraising for the American Heart Association, we took a one year hiatus from the program last year.  Our students came back in a big way for this year’s AHA fundraiser, raising over $11,000 this week!  The students have enjoyed the competition and this morning’s reward events.  I appreciate Crystal Bratcher and all the related arts teachers heading up these efforts.  I appreciate Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Pierce, and Mr. Morris being great sports and each taking a pie in the face this morning.  It was good to see Mr. Lockett receiving an award for his valiant efforts earlier this week as well.  Great job!

Dr. Suess’ Birthday and Career Dress Up:
We will recognize Dr. Suess birthday with a future career dress up day on Wednesday, March 2.  Students may dress up as their future career, with GCMS using the theme “Oh! the Places You’ll Go!”

As you know, all formal classroom observations must be completed by the end of March.  If you have not yet scheduled your observation, please get with the administrator in charge of your evaluation to set a date and time.  The summative conferences must be completed by April 30 for non-tenured teachers and by May 15 for tenured teachers.  Non-tenured teachers have summatives every year, and this year we also have summatives for 6th grade teachers, Title teachers, and unit teachers.  Please check with your administrator if you have questions.

Logging On and Off of Computers:
Teachers and staff members should be extremely careful and conscientious about never leaving a computer workstation logged in.  If you are logged in and need to leave the room, always be sure to log out of that computer.  There was an issue because of this sort of thing at one of the other schools this week, and that school and the whole network were in jeopardy.  Mr. Graybeal, Mr. Butler, and the entire tech staff worked many extra hours and were able to contain and eliminate the threat.  Again, let’s make sure that does not happen here.  Thanks.

Student Voice Surveys:
Thanks for your diligence in getting this year’s student voice surveys completed.   Results are starting to show up in CIITS, so take a look next time you log into CIITS.  I don’t want anyone to stress over the survey results.  It is just one piece of evidence about performance and not a set percentage of anyone’s evaluation.  Realistically, SVS gives a very limited amount of information in looking at one year’s results.  As we get farther in, it may be useful to look back at multiple years of data and see if we have observable patterns in SVS results. 

Showcase Lessons in March:
We have two teams planning showcase lessons during the month of March.  Team 3 showcase will be on March 10, and Team 5 showcase will be on March 23.  We look forward to visiting these two teams and appreciate them opening their classrooms to their colleagues.

Quote of the Day:
“You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”  ~Dr. Seuss

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 29…last date to spend 920X classroom money
Mar. 1…GCMS Volleyball hosts Hancock Co., 5:30
Mar. 2…Dr. Suess’ Birthday/Career Dress Up Day
Mar. 2…GCHS Showcase in the Gym, 2nd/3rd/4th periods (one team per period)
Mar. 3…GCMS Volleyball hosts Ohio Co., 5:30
Mar. 3-5..GCMS students at KUNA
Mar. 31…deadline for all formal classroom observations

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

This Week at GCMS:
It was great to have the students back in school today after the continuing wintery weather.  I appreciate our GCMS teachers and staff keeping the students focused on their learning despite the continuing interruptions due to bad weather and slick roads.  Becky Miller said that it seemed like the movie “Ground Hog Day” around here, as we continually have days where we try to get back in the groove of having school.  The weather forecasts are showing a warming trend, so hopefully the worst of winter is behind us.  I have just a few notes to share as this week draws to a close.

We were very sad to learn of Mrs. Kathy Haycraft’s passing away over the weekend after a tragic automobile accident in Hart County.  Most of you know Kathy as the head cashier in our GCMS cafeteria.  Her daughter Samantha is one of our Cougar Zone workers.  Kathy’s brother-in-law also died as a result of the wreck.  Please keep their family in your thoughts and prayers.

We were also sad to hear of Owen Cottrell’s passing.  Owen was custodian Glen Cottrell’s brother and the father of 8th grade Team 1 student, Skylar Cottrell.  Please keep the Cottrell family in your prayers as well.

Mrs. Tonya Haycraft and her family had garage fire night before last.  Their detached garage was a total loss, but thankfully, no one was hurt, and they were able to save their dogs from the fire.  The fire did not impact their home, but the garage building and all contents were lost in the fire.  Please remember Tonya’s family as well.

Good Luck Beta!
I want to wish the 51 GCMS Beta Club students the best of luck at the State Beta Convention today and tomorrow in Louisville.  Nancy Sims and Haley Lindsey are our GCMS Beta sponsors, and the students are involved in a variety of presentations and competitive events.

Faculty Meeting:
We do have a faculty meeting scheduled for this coming Monday, February 22.  We will meet at 3:00 in the school library.  Agenda items will begin with a presentation from Annie Hynes of Air-Evac.  We will have this presentation first, so any classified employee who is interested in Air-Evac is welcome also.  Mrs. Venita Wilson’s family recently utilized this Mr. Morris will share the formative assessment app, “Kahoots” and Mrs. Pearl will share the “robot questioning” format as a school wide approach to questioning at GCMS. 

Quote of the Day:
“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.” ~Booker T. Washington

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 18…Home Volleyball, 5:00
Feb. 22…AHA Fundraiser Kickoff (through related arts classes)
Feb. 22…Faculty Meeting, 3:00
Feb. 22…Home Volleyball, 5:00
Feb. 25…Home Volleyball, 5:30
Feb. 26…AHA Reward Event (through related arts classes)
Feb. 29…last date to spend 920X classroom money
Mar. 31…deadline for all formal classroom observations

Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

This Week at GCMS:
Somebody asked me this morning, “if we miss school on Monday, will we make up the “make up make up day” and if so, will we make it up once or twice?”  Those are the kinds of questions that schools and districts have to think about in a snowy winter like this.  As I sit here in my office on Snow Day 8, I look forward to spring and warmer weather.  Channel 41 came by and interviewed me this morning about snow days and how this affects our students and our school year.  We have always had snow days, and we likely always will…unless the global warming folks are right.  Then our grandchildren may not have snow days.  I remember the winter of 1978 when I was still in school.  We went home for Christmas break and did not come back to school until February.  I always use that as my frame of reference when someone talks about missing “so many days”.  It’s really not “so many” just yet.  On the other hand, those were the days when the state would “forgive” the first five or ten days missed before days had to be made up.  Our students and staff will likely have to go into early June this year, but it won’t be the first time, and likely won’t be the last.  Be careful if you have to travel when the roads are bad, and just stay home if you do not have to be out.
As of right now, we will plan to send progress reports home the next day that we are back in school.  If we are in school on Tuesday, we will plan to go ahead and have our parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday evening from 4:00-6:00.  If school were to be cancelled on Tuesday, we will not hold conferences that evening. 

Quote of the Day:
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”  ~Theodore Roosevelt

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 13…Grayson County Spelling Bee, at GCMS
Feb. 13…Academic Team at Regional Governor’s Cup, at Bluegrass Middle School
Feb. 16…Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-6:00
Feb. 17…GCMS site based council meeting, 3:15

Feb. 18…Home Volleyball, 5:00

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Five Day Week! (I say confidently on a Thursday)

This Week at GCMS:
It has been great to have a five day week of school this week!  Weather interruptions happen every year, but it is great to get some consecutive days of instruction in.   It has been a busy time with starting the student voice survey along with our regular teaching and learning.  The students seem to be taking the survey seriously and doing a good job with it.  I appreciate Becki Pearl serving as our building contact person for the survey.  I have just a few notes to share as this week winds down.

National School Counselor Week:
Being National School Counselor Week, I want to take this opportunity to thank our two GCMS school counselors, Leann Majors and Nancy Sims.  Both ladies do an outstanding job for our students and staff at GCMS.  They are a crucial part of our leadership team, they keep our daily and yearly schedules running efficiently, and most importantly, they work closely with our students who have a wide array of social and emotional needs.  Nancy and Leann often deal with highly emotional and crisis type situations, and always approach each case with the best interests of students in mind.  Ladies, thanks for all that you do!  Also, a big thank you to Shawn Majors, the counselor and director of our Grayson County Alternative School.  He counsels and works closely with many GCMS students who are assigned to AEC and often helps to get them back on the right track.  We also appreciate all of our outside agency counselors who help with counseling needs at our school.  We have a great support network for our students.

Staff Concerns:
With lots of staff families having health concerns right now, I will not attempt to list them all.  Whether it is elderly parents, children, spouses, siblings, or others, please remember your GCMS work family and their family members who have issues right now. 

Congratulations to the GCMS boys basketball team on another successful season.  The season wrapped up this past week with the conference tournament.  Even though we did not bring back a championship this year, the boys and Coach Majors and Coach Johnston have worked hard and done a great job representing our school.

Grayson County Baseball has reorganized this year, and we now have a middle school baseball team.  The team is still part of the GCHS program, and our own Jonathan DeVore will be coaching the team.  Baseball Open field for 7th and 8th grade boys will start next Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3-4:30 on the Babe Ruth Field.  You must have a physical to participate.  Please see Coach DeVore for more details.

Cougar Bucks:
Lately, we have had a few cases of students attempting to cash in Cougar Bucks which were originally awarded to other students.  Please watch this closely to make sure that the students who are rewarded are the students who actually earned the Cougar Bucks in the first place.  Try to give Cougar Bucks on a regular basis so that students do have the opportunity to be rewarded for hard work, positive behavior, and good citizenship. Writing the students' names on the bucks or having the student to write their own name upon receiving them is the best way to assure proper use.  The good news is that even having this conversation means that students do value the bucks and want to use them.  Thanks.

Make Up Days: (repeat from last week)
It has been decided that February 15 and March 18 will be used as makeup days instead of PLC Days.  Students and staff will be here those two days.  Also, one PLC Day will be held on primary election day, Tuesday, May 17.  As of right now, spring break has not been affected, but this could change if we continue to have bad weather and have to close school additional days.  Stay tuned. 

Leading To Learning Grant: (repeat from last week)
There will be an informational meeting at the central office in March about the GRREC Leading to Learn Aspiring Principals program.  This is the third and final cohort of the grant, and it is a great way to get your principal’s certificate through WKU at a greatly reduced cost.  Ashley Johnson and Lea Ann Frank are in the year 1 cohort, and Gary Parker is in the year 2 cohort.  I know that any of the three would be glad to talk to you about the details of the program if you are interested.  Again, this will be the last year of the Aspiring Principals part of the grant, so if you are interested, now is the time.

Quote of the Day:
Try Not.  Do or do not.  There is no try.” ~Master Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 6…GCMS Archery at NASP Region, Owensboro (Apollo HS)
Feb. 8...GCMS Faculty Meeting, 3:00
Feb. 8 and 10…Balfour Ring Rep at GCMS during lunch to take ring orders (form and $25 deposit)
Feb. 9…GCMS Home Volleyball Matches, 5:00
Feb. 12…Progress Reports go home
Feb. 13…Grayson County Spelling Bee, at GCMS
Feb. 16…Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-6:00
Feb. 17…GCMS SBDMC Meeting, 3:15
Feb. 18…GCMS Home Volleyball Matches, 5:00
Feb. 22-26…Tentative Dates for American Heart Association Fundraiser (pending approval)
Mar. 14..GCMS Faculty/Staff  Meeting (Testing Ethics Training), all who will work with testing