Thursday, August 29, 2013

Grayson County Middle School

Cougar Staff:
As we close out the week, we also complete the first month of the school year.  We have gotten off to a very good start to the year, and it seems like we are firing on all cylinders.  The assistant principals and I enjoyed visiting the classrooms this week.  Our focus was just checking for student engagement, and we will be discussing this tomorrow as part of our professional development activities.  We are looking forward to a productive day tomorrow and then I hope you enjoy the well-earned three day weekend!  We are going to make a trip to Nashville to see Scott sometime this weekend.  He has been back to Vanderbilt for three weeks, and Tessa is missing her bubba!  So are Teresa and I.  Enjoy your weekend; romp around at the county fair; take in the Labor Day parade, or just get a little extra rest.  

Here is our tentative agenda for teachers for Friday’s PD day.  Classified staff members who work on Friday should work in your areas or check with the office if you have available time.  If any classified staff member is unsure if you need to work, please check with Mrs. House about your number of days.
Teacher Agenda for Friday:
I.                    Student Engagement Session:  all teachers in library starting at 8:00
II.                  Teachers will examine individual student KPREP data
III.                Potluck Lunch: please bring something yummy for the lunch
IV.                Teachers: complete student universal screener
V.                  Music teachers:  county-wide music PD (location TBA)
VI.                Other related arts teachers will have time to work on program review.
VII.              PLC/CSI meetings

Engagement walks:
Again, the assistant principals and I enjoyed getting into all of the classrooms this week to check for student engagement.  We basically wanted to get a “snapshot” of the level of student engagement at GCMS to serve as sort of baseline data for the school year.  We will work throughout the year to increase the level of student engagement.  I will share some percentages tomorrow of the levels we observed this week categorized as engaged, compliant, or disengaged. 

Restraint and Seclusion Core Team:
I want to let the staff know who has been certified in safe crisis management and will serve as our core team for any required restraint and seclusion situations.  The core team will include Angie Escue, Shane Morris, Brad Greenleaf, Wendy Butler, Chris Drake, Sandy Blain, Lana Anderson, Shela Herman, Becky Miller, David Whitmore, and Jim Blain.  Remember that restraint and seclusion is to be used only in certain extreme situations, and any staff member may restrain a student in those specified situations and then call for one of the core team members to take over.  You normally would call the office, and one or more of the administrators would come to your location. The other core team members can also be called on if they are in your area and/or if they are available to assist you.  I appreciate everyone who took time out of your own personal schedules to complete the 12 hours of training to get certified. 

Staff Tailgate Sept. 5:
We want to invite all faculty and staff to tailgate with us before next Thursday night’s GCMS football games.  We will gather at the bus canopy at about 4:30 for a potluck meal.  Please sign up at the front counter if you (or you and your family) will plan to attend.  Ann Marshall is providing hotdogs and Ms. Twyla is providing the grill!  Thanks ladies!  We want to enjoy a meal and socialize with our colleagues and then cheer the Cougars on to victory over Breck County.  The first game starts at 5:30.  We hope that you can attend…the more the merrier!

  • Please arrange to meet with the administrator in charge of your evaluation to develop a new professional growth plan.
  • Pick up your student interest inventories from Cassie Jarboe to use with advisory class next Friday.
  • Be sure to enter your lesson plans into the CIITS system each week. New folks check with Becki Pearl if you are unsure how to do this.
  • Please send Becki Pearl a copy of your CSI meeting minutes each week.

Quote of the Day:
“Much of what we see depends on what we are looking for.” ~Phil Calloway

Coming Attractions:
Aug 30                  PD Day at GCMS (no students)
Sept 2                   Labor Day, No School
Sept 5                   GCMS  Home Football, 5:30 (Staff Tailgate starts at 4:30)
Sept 6                   GCMS Dance, sponsored by football and girls basketaball, 3:00-5:00
Sept 9                   Teacher’s Meeting,  ILP Presentation by James Hardin from Fayette Co. Schools
Sept 10                 Meet the Lady Cougars Night,
Sept 17                 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-6:00 pm
Sept 17-18           EXPLORE Testing
Sept 19                 Team 2 Showcase Lesson
Sept 21                 8th Grade Parent Involvement trip to WKU
Sept 25                 Hansel and Gretel Play, see calendar for times
Sept 26                 Team 9 Showcase Lessons
Oct 3                     GCMS Walk-A-Thon

Oct 4-11               Fall Break

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Grayson County Middle School

Cougar Staff:
It has been another very busy week at Grayson County Middle School.  We are starting to get into the routine of our school year, and the students are getting more and more comfortable with their teams, their teachers, and their classes.  That can be both good and bad.  We need to work to sustain the enthusiasm of the first days of school.  Sometimes that wears down as the school year moves along, so I want us all to work hard to keep that high level of interest, enthusiasm, and engagement in learning.  Again, I feel like we are off to a great start to the new school year!

Please continue to remember those who are dealing with health concerns or family members with health concerns.  I know that there are several on our staff right now. 

Lockdown Drill:
I was very pleased with our response to this morning’s lockdown drill.  We had about a dozen local policemen and first responders here this morning, along with our District Safety Coordinator, Arnold Hack.  It is important to involve local law enforcement in our drills because in the event of an actual emergency, these folks would be crucial to our school’s safety and security.  Sheriff Rick Clemons and Leitchfield Police Chief Kevin Henderson were both very complementary of our students and staff and both commented on how seriously our students took the drill.  Please always remember not to open your door during a lockdown, even if someone knocks on your door and says “open up, it’s the police”.  This could be a trick, so please do not open your door during a lockdown.  Either a police officer or a school administrator would open your door if it is time to evacuate.  Also, they recommend that the teacher not position themselves by the door during a lockdown.  Instead, teachers should take cover with the students to also stay out of harm’s way.  Again, thanks for doing a great job with the drill this morning.

Locked Doors:
As I mentioned on opening day, we want to keep all classroom doors locked throughout the day.  It is fine to leave your door open, but please leave it locked.  The administration actually prefers that you leave your door open so we don’t disturb you when coming in for classroom walk-throughs. 

Great Job Team 8!
The teachers of Team 8 got us off to a great start with this year’s showcase lessons!  I was impressed with the high levels of student engagement that I saw in all four classrooms on Tuesday.  I heard many positive comments from teachers about observing across different subject areas.  Often, teachers from one subject area can learn successful strategies from teachers of a different subject area.  Again, great job Team 8!

Picture Day:
Picture Day is tomorrow, Friday, August 23 (or today if you are reading this on Friday) at GCMS.  Every staff member should get your picture made.  Those will be put in the school yearbook and also will be used to make your new school ID badges.  Cameras should be ready for staff members by 7:15 in the morning.  Students will start being called to the auditorium by team starting around 8:00.

You’ve Been Mugged:
Last year the Culture and Climate Committee sponsored a fun way to recognize the great work of your colleagues called “You’ve Been Mugged”.  We didn’t get to “mug” everyone last year, so if you were the last one to be mugged last year, please return the mug to Becky Miller.  We will restart the mugging this year to recognize the efforts of even more of our GCMS staff!

Taking Attendance:
Please, please, please post attendance in Infinite Campus every period, every day!  We have already had some slip ups with this, and Mrs. Venita has called home to speak to parents about children being absent when they were actually here all the time.  This can needlessly upset parents and cause awkward conversations from school personnel.  Just make it your routine to post attendance every period, every day…on Every Child, Every Day!

August 30 PD Day:
We will be having a professional development day in Grayson County on Friday, August 30.  I will get an agenda out to you as soon as possible.  I know that one main focus of the day will be PGES Component 3C: Student Engagement.  After some discussion of sending you out to lunch, we have had many staff members to comment that they like the potluck lunches, so let’s all bring a favorite dish and have a potluck lunch.  We can no longer spend school activity funds on meals, so the school won’t get to supply the entrĂ©e.  Everyone just bring whatever you like, and I’m sure there will be lots of good food that day.  We have a total of 5 PD/PLC days in the school calendar this year.  Let’s make sure that we use this time wisely so we can benefit teaching and learning at GCMS!

Quote of the Day:
“I can’t sit back and fold my hands and think about the past, for there are thousands of yesterdays but only one today and…maybe a tomorrow.” ~Red Skelton

Coming Attractions:
Aug. 22……………First Home Football game GCMS vs. Edmonson Co. 5:30pm
Aug 23…………….Picture Day
Aug 28.....................Team Leader Meeting, 7:15 am
Aug 30…………….PD Day at GCMS (no students)
Sept 2………………Labor Day – No School
Sept 9………………Teacher’s Meeting (ILP Presentation), 3:20
Sept 17…………….Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-6:00
Sept 19…………….Team 2 Showcase Lessons
Sept 26…………….Team 9 Showcase Lessons
Sept. 30....................Professional Growth Plans are due
Sept 30.....................Teacher Verification Documents due from teachers who taught tech lessons
Oct 3........................GCMS Walkathon

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Grayson County Middle School

Cougar Staff
Our first full week of school has gone very well!  The students and staff are settling in to our new class schedules, and our procedures and expectations are being established.  I would like to complement our staff for getting everything off to a great start this year.  We have lots of kids with lots of serious issues.  Sometimes what they need most is just for us to love them and show that we care about them.  Many times that is our most important job.  Okay, enough of that mushy stuff!

Pizza on Wednesday:
Mr. Jeremy Edwards, our American Fidelity Rep., is treating us to pizza for lunch on Wednesday (August 21).  We will let you know that day where to stop by and get a slice or two of pizza.  We appreciate Mr. Edwards doing this for our staff!

Walk-Through Observations:
As our administrators conduct classroom walkthroughs this month, in addition to engagement, thinking skills, and checking for understanding, we would like to focus on how teachers manage procedures.  Remember, we will focus on one PGES component each month throughout the school year.  Always have your learning target(s) posted and your lesson plans available for review.

School Safety:
Our GCMS school safety committee is working on updating our school emergency management plan.  If you would like to give input, please see one of the committee members.  As part of the plan, we are conducting our annual “hazard hunt”.  We have placed forms in your mailboxes to describe any existing or potential safety hazards at GCMS.  This could be in your classroom, in the hallway, restroom, or anywhere in our building or on the grounds.  Also, please describe what you feel could be done to mitigate or take care of the issue. 

Please review the email that Mr. Whitmore sent out earlier today concerning our upcoming lockdown drill.  As you know, Senate Bill 8 requires every emergency drill to be conducted during the first month of school and then repeated in January.  This includes the lockdown drill.  Mr. Whitmore has contacted local emergency personnel and invited them to come and be a part of our drill.  We will be including evacuation as part of the drill.  You should wait until your door is unlocked by police or a school administrator and then evacuate your class following our regular fire drill evacuation procedure.

Safe Crisis Management:
I spent the past three evenings at GCHS participating in Safe Crisis Management training.  Our own Wendy Butler, along with Joe Kolter from Lawler and Monica Heavrin, did a great job in leading the training.  Angie Escue, Faye Critchelow, and I were the only ones from GCMS who participated this week, but I know that the assistant principals and several others from GCMS plan to participate when the training is held here at the middle school on August 26-28.  Several GCMS staff members were trained this summer as well.  We would like to have more GCMS staff members to sign up, so if you would like to participate, it is not too late!

KPREP Data Release:
We are starting to get some preliminary KPREP testing data, which is still under the quality control phase.  Just as soon as we are able to start sharing the data with our teachers, we will do so.  It is important for teachers to know how the students performed on this spring’s testing to inform them on strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.  We will not receive our school wide accountability information until mid-September.

Sunshine Club:
Please remember to stop by the office and give Mrs. House your $5.00 donation for the Sunshine Club.  The staff agreed that we want to continue this program, so it is important that all staff members contribute.  Thanks for supporting your GCMS family in this way.

District Teacher Handbook:
Please remember to go to the district website at to review the district handbook.  You will need to print and sign page 30 and return it to the office as soon as possible.

Quote of the Day:
“The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake.”   
~Nelson Boswell

Coming Attractions:
Aug. 16………….Suicide Prevention Certificates due to Mrs. House
Aug. 19………….Cougar Zone begins
Aug. 21………….GCMS Site Based Council Meeting, 3:00
Aug. 22………….Home Football vs. Edmonson Co., 5:30
Aug. 23………….School Picture Day
Aug. 26-28…….Safe Crisis Management training, 3:30-7:30
Aug. 28…………Team Leader Meeting, 7:15
Aug. 30………….PD Day at GCMS (no students), 8:00-3:00 with lunch on your own
Sept. 2………….Labor Day, no school
Sept. 9………….After school teacher’s meeting, ILP presentation
Sept. 17………..Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-6:00

Sept. 30………..Professional Growth Plans due to administrators

Friday, August 9, 2013

Cougar Notes 8/09/13

Cougar Notes (8/09/13)
It’s Friday!  I hope that each of you has had a great first week of school!  I have had very positive reports from all over the building, and we seem to be off to a very positive start.  Teachers and students have been working hard to introduce and practice our procedures and expectations.  Please make just as positive a start with today’s first Friday College and Career Readiness classes as well as our first meetings of advisory groups.  Remember, first and foremost, the purpose of our advisory program is to establish positive relationships with the students so that every student has a clear “go to person” at GCMS which they will feel comfortable going to with concerns, issues, and questions.  Thank you for embracing the theme of “Every Child, Every Day”.  Let’s keep that same high level of enthusiasm going throughout the school year.  Have a great and relaxing weekend!

On a personal note, Teresa picked up our daughter, Tessa, from her first day of kindergarten on Wednesday.  She noticed that Tessa was starting to “tear up” a little.  When she asked what was wrong, Tessa told her that she just wasn’t ready to leave school yet!  This is Daddy is thankful that his little girl is off to a good start.  Middle Schoolers might not have that same reaction, but let’s always work toward the point that every child enjoys school and wants to be here each day!

Please continue to remember those on our staff who are suffering from health concerns, those who have family members with health concerns, and those who are dealing with other difficult issues.  Please remember Laura Goff, whose son Chad is on military duty in Japan and Korea.

Congratulations Josh!
While everyone at GCMS will miss him, we also want to congratulate Josh Belcher for being named as the new assistant principal at GC Burkhead Elementary School in Hardin County.  Josh is starting a new adventure, and I know that he will do well as a school administrator.  As someone who once took an administrative job in another district, I understand the excitement and challenge that he is going through.  I know that you join me in wishing Josh the very best!

Welcome Mr. Shane Morris:
I was fortunate to interview some very strong candidates yesterday for the PE and Health position.  Mr. Shane Morris has accepted the position and is excited about joining our staff at GCMS.  Mr. Morris recently completed his student teaching and graduated from Campbellsville University with a degree in physical education and health.  He presently lives in Campbellsville but is engaged to be married and will be moving to Hardin County soon.  I know that you will make him feel very welcome at GCMS!

Sunshine Club:
Please remember to stop by the office and give Mrs. House your $5.00 donation for the Sunshine Club.  The staff agreed that we want to continue this program, so it is important that all staff members contribute.  Thanks for supporting your GCMS family in this way.

District Teacher Handbook:
Please remember to go to the district website at to review the district handbook.  You will need to print and sign page 30 and return it to the office as soon as possible.

Advisory Classes:
We will have our first advisory class sessions this afternoon.  This is such a great opportunity for us to establish positive relationships with our students.  Let’s make the most of this time each week to really get to know these kids.  We want every student to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have an adult who cares about them and that they can come to with any situation that they may encounter.

Study Skills Classes:
We need to make a renewed effort to use our study skills time as effectively as possible to benefit our students.  Study Skills time is not a study hall or just time for students to do their homework from other classes.  It is time for our students to get interventions and/or enrichment.  The assistant principals and I are going to make a conscious effort to get into as many study skills classes as possible this year in addition to our walk through observations in the core and related classes.  Our time with the students is precious, and we must make the very best use of it.

Emergency Drills:
Our first fire drill of the year went well yesterday afternoon.  We were able to clear the building in 2 minutes and 10 seconds.  Please remind your students that while we do want to exit the building quickly, it is more important to exit safely.  Students should always walk in an orderly fashion without any running or pushing.  All in all, they did a very nice job.

Quote  of the Day:
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” ~Earl Nightingale

Coming Attractions:
Aug. 15………….Safety Committee, 7:15 am
Aug. 16………….Suicide Prevention Certificates due to Mrs. House
Aug. 21………….GCMS Site Based Council Meeting, 3:00
Aug. 22………….Home Football vs. Edmonson Co., 5:30
Aug. 23………….School Picture Day
Aug. 30………….PD Day at GCMS (no students)
Sept. 9………….After school teacher’s meeting, ILP presentation

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cougar Notes 8/02/13

Cougar Notes
Good morning Cougar Staff!  I feel like we are off to a great start to the school year, with a very positive and productive Opening Day and Open House last night.  Our building was abuzz yesterday with positive comments and smiling faces of students, parents, and staff members.  The first days of school are always an exciting time of year; the key is to sustain that enthusiasm as the school year progresses.  Let’s make a conscious decision to continue this positive atmosphere throughout the year as we focus on EVERY CHILD, EVERY DAY!!!

Please continue to remember those who are dealing with health concerns, recovering from surgeries, have family members with health concerns.  We have many of our GCMS family who have such concerns right now.  Also, please remember all of the students as they start back to school.  I pray that we will all be able to impact students in a positive way.

As Mr. Anderson’s email indicated, the district-wide day will be Monday morning at GCMS.  The district will provide breakfast in the GCMS cafeteria starting around 7:15 and then our district meeting will be in the auditorium starting around 8:30.  I am anticipating us finishing up the morning session before 11:00.  Take an hour for lunch on your own and then all GCMS staff (classified and certified) will meet in the library for our restraint and seclusion training.  I will try to announce our afternoon start time before we are dismissed to go to lunch.

Since we have already completed our opening day, Tuesday is not a required work day at GCMS.  Though I know that some of you will be in your classrooms putting on those finishing touches, please feel free to take that one last day off.  Go to the lake, take your kids to the movies, sleep in late, sit around in your pajamas, work around the house, you get the picture!  It’s your day….spend it however you like!

That’s the day the pitter patter of two thousand feet will be heard around the hallowed halls of GCMS!  Let’s get off to a great start with our students!  Most of your time these first three days of school will be spent going over and practicing procedures with your students.  Remember, managing procedures is one of the PGES components, and even if it were not, we all know that going over procedures early and often will pay great dividends as the year goes on.  I would like for all teachers and staff to come down to the gym around 7:40 to start off the day on Wednesday.  We will do a “cafeteria drill” with our sixth graders only during 2nd period on Wednesday.  Mrs. House may send out a specific schedule for that drill.  It is crucial to have as much adult supervision as possible on that first day, so any volunteers in addition to our scheduled early and late duty folks would be greatly appreciated!

Remember, every teacher at GCMS is expected to enter lesson plans into the CIITS program for one class every week.  Last year was our first year, and I know it took some time.  With a year under our belts, it should be smoother and simpler the second time around.  Please see Becki Pearl if you have any problems with getting this completed each week.

PD 360:
I am encouraging all GCMS to utilize the PD 360 program of online professional development.  As we develop our new professional growth plans, I would like for everyone to include PD 360 as a supporting activity to help accomplish the goals that you set.  Again, PD 360 is not your goal; it is a tool to use in accomplishing your goals.  Some of you attended one of the breakout sessions on Tuesday and received a PD 360 flipchart.  Stop by Mr. Blain’s office for a flipchart if you didn’t receive one.  I will leave them on my round table in case I am not in the office when you stop by. 

Sunshine Club:
It was the consensus of our staff that we want to continue the “sunshine club” at GCMS to buy flowers for funerals of immediate family and gifts for first marriage and first born child.  Please give your $5 contribution to Mrs. House.  Thank you for supporting your GCMS family in this way!

Please stop by the front desk on Monday to sign up for the GCMS committee of your choice.  We still have lots of openings on every committee!  Also, if you know of a GCMS parent who would be willing to serve on a committee, please recruit them and get them signed up as well.

Bully Prevention Lessons:
Please make sure that you follow the schedule that Mr. Whitmore sent out earlier in the week for the Bully Prevention lessons.  We will start with the Stop/Walk/Talk lesson during 6th period on Wednesday, August 7.  Let’s work hard to continue to decrease bullying at GCMS!

Quote of the Day:
“Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident.  Rather, it’s the result of deliberate decisions, conscious effort, and immense persistence…all directed at specific goals.” ~Gary Ryan Blair

Coming Attractions:
August 5……….District-Wide Day
August 6……….not a required work day at GCMS
August 7……….Students first day of school in Grayson County
August 16……..Suicide Prevention Certificates due from all certified staff
August 19……..Cougar Zone begins
August 21……..GCMS site based council meeting, 3:00 in the GCMS conference room
August 23……..School Picture Day at GCMS
August 30……..PD Day, no students
Sept. 9………….GCMS Faculty Meeting after school (James Hardin will discuss ILP’s)
                          Notice that the Sept. faculty meeting is not on the typical date.

Sept 17…………Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-6:00 (tentative date and time)