Thursday, August 29, 2013

Grayson County Middle School

Cougar Staff:
As we close out the week, we also complete the first month of the school year.  We have gotten off to a very good start to the year, and it seems like we are firing on all cylinders.  The assistant principals and I enjoyed visiting the classrooms this week.  Our focus was just checking for student engagement, and we will be discussing this tomorrow as part of our professional development activities.  We are looking forward to a productive day tomorrow and then I hope you enjoy the well-earned three day weekend!  We are going to make a trip to Nashville to see Scott sometime this weekend.  He has been back to Vanderbilt for three weeks, and Tessa is missing her bubba!  So are Teresa and I.  Enjoy your weekend; romp around at the county fair; take in the Labor Day parade, or just get a little extra rest.  

Here is our tentative agenda for teachers for Friday’s PD day.  Classified staff members who work on Friday should work in your areas or check with the office if you have available time.  If any classified staff member is unsure if you need to work, please check with Mrs. House about your number of days.
Teacher Agenda for Friday:
I.                    Student Engagement Session:  all teachers in library starting at 8:00
II.                  Teachers will examine individual student KPREP data
III.                Potluck Lunch: please bring something yummy for the lunch
IV.                Teachers: complete student universal screener
V.                  Music teachers:  county-wide music PD (location TBA)
VI.                Other related arts teachers will have time to work on program review.
VII.              PLC/CSI meetings

Engagement walks:
Again, the assistant principals and I enjoyed getting into all of the classrooms this week to check for student engagement.  We basically wanted to get a “snapshot” of the level of student engagement at GCMS to serve as sort of baseline data for the school year.  We will work throughout the year to increase the level of student engagement.  I will share some percentages tomorrow of the levels we observed this week categorized as engaged, compliant, or disengaged. 

Restraint and Seclusion Core Team:
I want to let the staff know who has been certified in safe crisis management and will serve as our core team for any required restraint and seclusion situations.  The core team will include Angie Escue, Shane Morris, Brad Greenleaf, Wendy Butler, Chris Drake, Sandy Blain, Lana Anderson, Shela Herman, Becky Miller, David Whitmore, and Jim Blain.  Remember that restraint and seclusion is to be used only in certain extreme situations, and any staff member may restrain a student in those specified situations and then call for one of the core team members to take over.  You normally would call the office, and one or more of the administrators would come to your location. The other core team members can also be called on if they are in your area and/or if they are available to assist you.  I appreciate everyone who took time out of your own personal schedules to complete the 12 hours of training to get certified. 

Staff Tailgate Sept. 5:
We want to invite all faculty and staff to tailgate with us before next Thursday night’s GCMS football games.  We will gather at the bus canopy at about 4:30 for a potluck meal.  Please sign up at the front counter if you (or you and your family) will plan to attend.  Ann Marshall is providing hotdogs and Ms. Twyla is providing the grill!  Thanks ladies!  We want to enjoy a meal and socialize with our colleagues and then cheer the Cougars on to victory over Breck County.  The first game starts at 5:30.  We hope that you can attend…the more the merrier!

  • Please arrange to meet with the administrator in charge of your evaluation to develop a new professional growth plan.
  • Pick up your student interest inventories from Cassie Jarboe to use with advisory class next Friday.
  • Be sure to enter your lesson plans into the CIITS system each week. New folks check with Becki Pearl if you are unsure how to do this.
  • Please send Becki Pearl a copy of your CSI meeting minutes each week.

Quote of the Day:
“Much of what we see depends on what we are looking for.” ~Phil Calloway

Coming Attractions:
Aug 30                  PD Day at GCMS (no students)
Sept 2                   Labor Day, No School
Sept 5                   GCMS  Home Football, 5:30 (Staff Tailgate starts at 4:30)
Sept 6                   GCMS Dance, sponsored by football and girls basketaball, 3:00-5:00
Sept 9                   Teacher’s Meeting,  ILP Presentation by James Hardin from Fayette Co. Schools
Sept 10                 Meet the Lady Cougars Night,
Sept 17                 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-6:00 pm
Sept 17-18           EXPLORE Testing
Sept 19                 Team 2 Showcase Lesson
Sept 21                 8th Grade Parent Involvement trip to WKU
Sept 25                 Hansel and Gretel Play, see calendar for times
Sept 26                 Team 9 Showcase Lessons
Oct 3                     GCMS Walk-A-Thon

Oct 4-11               Fall Break

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