Friday, September 6, 2013

Grayson County Middle School

Cougar Staff:
It has been a busy week at GCMS since returning from the Labor Day weekend.  I have just a few notes to share as we wrap this week up, and I wish everyone an enjoyable and restful weekend. 

I would like to welcome our newest employees to Grayson County Middle School.  Charlene Noblett has joined our custodial staff, and Kevin Whobrey has joined our staff as a one-on-one aide with a student in the MMD unit.  We are very happy to have both Charlene and Kevin joining our staff at GCMS.

Please remember the Hack family in your thoughts and prayers.  Gwen Franich’s Papaw Hack (Mary Ann’s father-in-law) has passed away.  I know that Gwen and Mary Ann appreciate your prayers.
Also, please remember our Communicare therapist, Amy Scott, whose grandmother passed away last night.

Thank you to the anonymous individual who bought flowers for the whole staff!  They wanted to remain anonymous, but this was certainly a very nice gesture!  We also appreciate Whoop-de-doo Design for providing the flowers!
Thank you to everyone who helped with last night’s tailgate cookout!  I think everyone in attendance enjoyed the meal and some good conversations together…and the Cougars swept two games from Breck County!
Thank you to Melanie Manion for donating the new Keurig Coffee machine to the staff!  If you like Keurig, just bring your “K-Cups” and enjoy!  The new machine is located in the office kitchenette.

Check out Mrs. Miller’s Blog:
Becky Miller has started a new blog!  Check it out at

Meeting Reflections:
I enjoyed meeting with both our math department and our special education co-teachers PLC groups this morning.  I appreciate the commitment of both of these groups (and all of our staff) to go above and beyond to make learning better for our students!  You all are the best!

Discipline Report:
I hope that you have had a chance to review the discipline report that Mr. Whitmore sent out a few days ago.  Discipline referrals at GCMS are at the lowest levels for the month of August that we have seen in the past six years.  Both total referrals and daily averages are at all-time lows.  This is a credit to the hard work and dedication of our GCMS faculty and staff.  You have taught our expectations, and the students have responded in a very positive way.  Focusing on Positive Behavior Support continues to improve teaching and learning at GCMS.  The students are in class and learning, instead of in the office or the detention room getting out of class and avoiding learning.  Keep up the great work!

Faculty Meeting on Monday:
Our September faculty meeting will be after school on Monday.  Since we have a guest speaker, we will go ahead and start the meeting at 3:00 in the library.  Those who have late duty should do your duty and then come on to the library as soon as you can.  Mr. James Hardin, from Fayette County Schools, will be with us to share information about effective use of the ILP.  We have been completing ILP’s for several years now, but we need to better utilize this tool.  After hearing Mr. Hardin speak here this summer, I am convinced that the ILP can and should be a powerful tool to improve college and career readiness for each of our students at GCMS.

Quote of the Day:
“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.” ~C.W. Ceram

Coming Attractions:
Sept 6                   GCMS Dance, sponsored by football and girls basketaball, 3:00-5:00
Sept 9                   Teacher’s Meeting,  ILP Presentation by James Hardin from Fayette Co. Schools
Sept 10                 Meet the Lady Cougars Night,
Sept 17                 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-6:00 pm
Sept 17-18           EXPLORE Testing
Sept 19                 Team 2 Showcase Lesson
Sept 21                 8th Grade Parent Involvement trip to WKU
Sept 25                 Hansel and Gretel Play, see calendar for times
Sept 26                 Team 9 Showcase Lessons
Oct 3                     GCMS Walk-A-Thon
Oct 4-11               Fall Break
Oct 30                   Picture Retake/Makeup Day

Nov 1                    PLC Day (no students)

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