Friday, February 28, 2014

This Week at GCMS

Cougar Staff:
It’s been another busy week at GCMS!  Things seem to have gotten back more to our regular routine after getting a couple of weeks without weather interruptions.  Let’s keep out fingers crossed about this weekend, as the forecast is threatening some wintery weather for Sunday night and Monday.  Let’s hope that it stays all rain in our area.  Either way, enjoy your weekend!

We were glad to have Elaine Holley back to school this week after her recent stay in the hospital.  Please remember Chris Drake as he goes in for back surgery next week and Jeremy Meredith as he recovers from gall bladder surgery.  We have many staff members with health concerns right now or family members with health issues:  Pam Armstrong, Stacy Pierce, Cassie Jarboe, Lea Ann Frank, Wendy Butler, Melanie Gallagher, Debbie Carman, Nycol Hart, and others.  Please keep your GCMS family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank You:
I appreciate Chris Drake serving as a substitute administrator for the past couple of days.  Mr. Drake has been a big help, not only this week, but throughout the year, in helping out with supervision duties, covering for people who were out, etc. when he did not have students in detention.  Mr. Drake does a great job for our students and school!  Thanks Chris!

I appreciate Melanie Gallagher accepting the role as Math Plus Teacher Leader.  Our math department is part of a new math grant through GRREC that will provide a great deal of math specific professional development and resources to our math teachers over the next three years.  Melanie will be sharing some information with the math department during next Friday’s PLC session.

I appreciate Mary Ann Hack and Tez Hawkins serving on the school culture assessment team for GCMS as part of the Leading to Learn grant.  We were in training yesterday and today and learned a great deal about the importance of having a positive school culture.  This is something that we all know already, but it is also something that sometimes gets pushed onto the back burner.  We will be asking you to complete a short (13 question) survey sometime next week about our school culture at GCMS, then there will be a team from Allen County School District visiting with us on March 10 and March 13 to conduct interviews and unobtrusive observations.  Tez, Mary Ann, and I will in turn visit a school in Allen County to conduct an assessment for them on March 11 and 12.  I hope that you feel good about the culture at our school, and I hope that you will continue to work together to make it even better!

GCMS Data Team:
Also as part of the Leading to Learn grant with GRREC, our school is going to be involved in a “data retreat” in Bowling Green on June 18, 19, and 20.  I appreciate those who have already agreed to participate:  Susan Higdon, Stacy Downs, Amanda Thomas, Nycol Hart, Becki Pearl, Becky Miller, David Whitmore, and myself.  I have a couple of more slots if anyone would like to be a part of this team.  We would love to have a related arts teacher and/or a Title teacher, or anyone who has the desire to participate in our school improvement process.  Just let me know!

Quote of the Day:
“Remember, happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have; it depends upon what you think.” ~Dale Carnegie

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 28..Please do not spend any 920X classroom funds after this date
Mar. 3..Kickoff date for American Heart Association Events
Mar. 10..8th Grade Night, 6:00…all 8th grade teachers should attend
Mar. 11-13..Freshman Registration through teams
Mar. 13..Team 3 Showcase Lesson Day
Mar. 18-20..Reality Store and Operation Preparation
Mar. 21……WKU History Contest
Mar. 24……GRVC Volleyball Tournament at GCMS (24th, 25th, 27th)
Mar. 26..Reward Assembly for all students with no office referrals, 1:45
Mar. 28..Battle for Heart, AHA Event

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