Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wisdom from Master Yoda!

7 Life Lessons From Yoda


Despite the fact that Star Wars first premiered almost 37 years ago, many important life lessons can still be gleaned from the story. From Qui Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi we learned the value of discipline and loyalty, from Luke and Han the benefits of true friendship. Darth Vader served as a cautionary tale to anyone tempted by the dark side of life. Through it all, however, no one was as wise and self aware as Yoda. In his words there are lessons, that if taken to heart, can assure you of a long and prosperous life.

Do or do not… there is no try

Sometimes, you gotta go for it. No matter how hard, no matter the sacrifice, there will always be things that are worth the struggle. It’s a reminder to commit oneself to something completely, win or lose.

Size matters not

It doesn’t matter how big or small you are. All that matters is the size of your courage, your perseverance and your sense of self. Remember, strength often comes in small packages.

Already know you that which you need

Most of the time, we already know what the right thing to do is. We just need to trust ourselves enough to put ourselves out there and do it. Don’t be afraid to listen to your gut. It will rarely steer you wrong.

Impossible to see, the future is

Why bother stressing about the far off future and worry about things that you cannot change? Instead, focus on the here and now and enjoy today. The future will take care of itself if you stay true to yourself and work hard to create the future you want.

Hard to see, the dark side is

Lack of self-awareness is the first step to the dark side. Understanding yourself and your impact on others is crucial to developing and maintaining healthy relationships. By knowing yourself, you can figure out what you want and the steps needed to get there.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering

By letting go of your fear and anger, you will let go of the hate and the suffering it brings. By letting go of fear, anger and hate, you will create peace and love.

Twilight is upon me, and soon night must fall. That is the way of things

Life is too short to waste it by judging others and trying to change things that you can’t. Seize the day and cherish the time you have with the special people in your life.

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