Friday, May 23, 2014

Sigh of Relief

Cougar Staff:
By all accounts that I have heard, this year’s testing efforts were at a very high level!  Thank you so much for emphasizing the importance of every student giving their best.  I truly believe that our results will be very good when they come back in the fall.  I hope that each of you enjoys your well-deserved three day weekend!

Mrs. Higdon did well with her knee surgery earlier this week.  Please remember her in your thoughts and prayers for a quick and full recovery.

Mrs. Pearl’s mom got a good report from the doctors yesterday.  She took a fall on Tuesday when voting in the Republican primary election and broke her arm and jaw.  The doctors say that the fractures were “clean breaks” and surgery should not be necessary.  I know that you all join me in wishing her a speedy recovery as well.

Thank You:
I want to give a special thank you to all of those who worked on this year’s program reviews for arts & humanities, practical living, and writing.  Our scores look very good, and with program reviews “counting” this coming year in our overall accountability, that is great news.  I appreciate your time and efforts in this process.

Assessment Literacy/Peer Observation:
I appreciate everyone’s hard work on Tuesday during our training in the areas of assessment literacy and peer observation.  Becki Pearl did a great job and a great deal of work in preparing and presenting a lot of important information for us that day.  As far as the peer observations, I will be recruiting a team of GCMS peer observers in the near future.  Let’s approach this in a very positive way from the very beginning.  Peer observations are just a way to help our teachers be more successful and will not be part of anyone’s evaluation.
June Staff Days:
As you know, Grayson County Schools will be having staff days on June 2-6 and closing day on June 7.  Here is a basic outline of our schedule:
June 2      Domains 1 and 4
                Half of Science Dept.: science standards w/Elem/HS at Centre on Main, afternoon
                Monica Heavrin will meet with our faculty from 1:30-3:00
                Related Arts:  arts specific sessions in the afternoon
June 3      Morning, TBA
                Afternoon, Domain 2 and Student Voice
                Half of Science Dept.: science standards w/Elem/HS at Centre on Main, afternoon
                Related Arts:  arts specific sessions in the afternoon
June 4      Observations, CIITS, EDS, Certified Evaluation Plan
                Self-Reflection Survey and Professional Growth
June 5      Data Analysis and Student Growth
June 6      District-wide gathering at GCMS
                Meal and Touring of local industries          

Our supervision of students is especially important at this time of year.  Please do everything possible to let students know that you are watching them closely.  A little extra supervision can prevent a lot of misbehavior from occurring.  

Teacher Tech Survey:
All teachers, counselors, curriculum coordinators, and librarians in the district need to complete the survey on this link for this year’s faculty tech assessment.  Mr. Graybeal says it takes about ten minutes. Here's the link:

Quote of the Day:
“We would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.” ~Helen Keller

Coming Attractions:
May 26…Memorial Day – No school for students or staff
May 27…School Play for 8th grade, 8:00, for the public, 5:00 pm
May 28…School Play for 6th grade, 8:00, for 7th grade, 12:00
May 28…Field Day for 8th grade
May 29…Field Day for 6th and 7th grade
May 29…8th Grade Awards Night, 6:00
May 30…Students’ Last Day, 8th Grade Commencement Programs, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00
June 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 will be staff training days.
June 7…Closing Day
July 15-17…Sixth Sense
July 29..GCMS PD Day
July 31...GCMS Opening Day and Back to School Night
Aug. 1….District wide day in Grayson County Schools
Aug. 4…Not a required work day at GCMS
Aug. 5…Students first day of school         


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