Thursday, February 26, 2015

Old Man Winter Comes to Grayson County

This Week at GCMS:
It has been an interesting last couple of weeks to say the least!  We have gotten a small dose of what the New England states have been dealing with this winter, and I am thankful it was only a small dose.  It was great to get back in school this week, and I feel like we have had a very good week.  I have just a few notes to share as this week winds down.

Showcase Lessons:
We have two showcase lesson days coming up in the near future.  Team 5 will be having showcase lesson day on Wednesday, March 4, and Team 6 will be having showcase lesson day on Tuesday, March 10.  This is a great opportunity for our teachers to visit colleagues’ classrooms to observe different ways of doing things and different lesson strategies of teaching and learning.  Please mark your calendars and plan to visit during your planning period on those days.

Student Voice Surveys:
We are getting closer to time to conduct our student voice surveys at GCMS.  This is a brand new component of PGES that we will be doing for the very first time.  Mrs. Pearl has developed a schedule, and she has been sharing that with CSI groups this week.  We will have advisory groups to go over the questions to clarify vocabulary and understanding next week.

Backpack Food Program:
As you know, our Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC) works with the local Community Alliance to provide weekend foods for many students at GCMS.  Please make sure that these students always receive their food bags to take home.  There have been a few cases of students not getting their foods and then being without food over the weekend.   None of us ever want this to happen, so let’s all be very diligent about making sure that these students receive their food bags.  Thanks.

We have been having a higher than usual level of absenteeism lately, with both students and staff.  Please encourage your students to be here at school every day.  It is also crucial that our staff be here at school every day to work with our students.  We have some great substitute staff members, but it is the most benefit to our students to have our full time teachers and staff at school each day.  Let’s make it our goal to be here at school each and every day!

Staff Changes for Next Year:
It is that time of year to start thinking about staffing for next school year.  If any staff member has a change coming up, please let me know.  If you are planning to retire or otherwise leave GCMS, please let me know so I can plan accordingly for next year.  Of course, any resignation or retirement would need a written and signed letter of resignation.  Not trying to rush anyone out the door, but that paperwork is required before I can ask the central office to advertise a position.  Also, if anyone desires a change of assignment, please let me know.  I cannot always accommodate such requests, but it is helpful when I know that someone is interested in moving to a different grade level or different subject, etc.

Quote of the Day:
“There is only one way to succeed at anything and that is to give everything.” ~Vince Lombardi

Coming Attractions:
Feb. 27…Allegro Dance Theatre at GCMS, 1:45-2:30
Feb. 27…last day to spend 920X funds
Mar. 2-31…TELL Survey
Mar. 4…Team 5 Showcase
Mar. 9…8th Grade Night at GCHS, 6:00
Mar. 10-12…8th Graders register for HS classes
Mar. 10…Team 6 Showcase
Mar. 13-20, Student Voice Surveys at GCMS
Mar. 16…Faculty Meeting, after school
Mar. 18…SBDMC Meeting, 3:15
Apr. 3…All post assessments should be completed for Student Growth Goals.
Apr. 3…All classroom observations must be completed by this date.
Apr. 4-12…Tentative Spring Break dates

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