Thursday, May 21, 2015

This is a Test, This is Only a Test!

This Week at GCMS:
As we finish up our annual KPREP testing, I would like to thank everyone, students and staff, for a great effort on this year’s testing.  I know that it wears everyone out, but I have heard very positive feedback about this year’s effort.  The old saying that “you don’t make the cow heavier by weighing her more often” comes to mind when we talk about testing, and that is very true.  It is also very true that Kentucky schools are held accountable for how our students perform on KPREP, so at this particular weigh-in, we are glad to tip the scales as heavily as we can.  Thanks again.

Curriculum Changes:
Our GCMS site based council approved a couple of curriculum changes at yesterday afternoon’s regular monthly meeting.  Our 6th graders will no longer have “math-tech” as a related arts class, but instead they will have a nine week class on technology skills.  We know that our students need to become more competent with technology.  This has been evident from the annual technology survey that our 8th graders have taken the past couple of years. 

The council also approved a pilot program for 8th grade GATE students to have the opportunity to take one core class through the Edgenuity virtual school program.  This will allow these students to explore a subject through a digital format and also allow for more in depth study of the content.  We will see how this goes next year, and if it is successful, we may expand the offerings in the future.  I am sending a letter home with 7th grade GT students about this today.

KPREP Reward:
All of those students who earned 100 percent on the good faith effort checklist will be allowed to participate in a reward afternoon of Tuesday from about 1:00-2:30.  Please have the students sign up for one of four choices:  Movie “Big Hero 6” in the auditorium, Battle Ball (play or watch) in the gym, Chill Zone (social time/electronics/music) in the cafeteria, or outside game time (kickball, whiffle ball, etc.).  It will be helpful if each team turns in a list to Mrs. Viola or Mrs. Venita so we know where students are that afternoon. 

Drama Club Play:
The GCMS drama club will present this year’s school play “Big Bad” with a show for the 8th grade on Tuesday at 8:00 and for the public at 6:00 pm on Tuesday night.  A show for the 6th grade will be Wednesday at 8:00 and for the 7th grade at 9:30 on Wednesday.  We look forward to a great show, and we appreciate Mrs. Embry and Miss Banks for sponsoring the drama club.

Field Days:
Mr. Whitmore has sent out detailed information about this year’s field days at GCMS.  Please review this information and check with Mr. Whitmore if you have questions.

8th Grade Commencement:
Our traditional 8th grade commencement programs will be held on the last day of school, Friday, May 29.  Team 1 will be at 8:00; Team 2 at 9:30; Team 3 will be at 11:00.  Our related arts teachers will be in charge of parking and crowd control. 

Quote of the Day:
“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” ~Mother Teresa

Coming Attractions:
May 25…Memorial Day, no school
May 26… Drama Club Play for 8th graders at 8:00
May 26…Good Faith Effort Reward, 1:00-2:30
May 27…8th Grade Field Day
May 27…Posting window closes
May 27…Drama Club Play for 6th grade 8:00, for 7th grade 9:30
May 28…6th/7th Grade Field Day
May 28 …8th Grade Awards Evening at 6:00
May 29…Last day for students
June 1…Staff Only Day at GCMS
June 2…Closing Day at GCMS

Aug. 3…PD Day for GCMS teachers
Aug. 4…Opening Day for GCMS (all staff)
Aug. 4…Back to School Open House at GCMS, 4:00-6:00
Aug. 7…District-wide PD day at GCMS
Aug. 10…Not a required work day for GCMS teachers
Aug. 11…Students first day of school in Grayson County

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