Thursday, August 25, 2016

Marching Through August!

                              7th Grader Max Daley and His 582.5 lb State Champion Pumpkin!

Busy Week!
It has been another good week at GCMS!  Last week, I loved hearing weather forecasts saying that the daytime highs this week would only be in the upper 70’s, but somehow the revised forecast is for 94 degrees for this afternoon.  It's false advertising!!!  The GCMS Cougar Football team will have our first home game of the season at GCMS this evening.  The game will start at 5:30, and it should cool down nicely after that.  Come on out and support our boys!

Back to School Cookout:
Staff from the central office plan to be at GCMS on Tuesday to provide our staff with a lunch time cookout!  We appreciate them thinking of us and providing our lunch that day.  Just plan to come to the bus canopy during your regular lunchtime on Tuesday.  Thanks to Mr. Robinson, the central office staff, and our school board members.

Cougar Zone:
Our after school Cougar Zone program got started with week, and we have had very good attendance this week.  Please encourage students to attend.  After an hour of tutoring and homework help, our CZ program has many fun activities for the students to enjoy.  Please check the morning announcement power-point for more details.  There will be no Cougar Zone next week because of the Grayson County Fair.

Data Embargo:
I know that we have been sharing student test scores with teachers for your new students and your last year’s students.  Please do not share the scores with anyone yet.  Our data is currently under quality control and being reviewed for accuracy and any possible discrepancies.  I should be able to share our accountability report toward the end of September. 

Emergency Drills:
I have been pleased with our emergency drills so far this school year.  The police officers who helped us with Tuesday’s lockdown drill were very complimentary of our students and staff and how seriously everyone took the procedure.  As we always tell the students, the better we do with our drills, the better prepared we will be in the event of an actual emergency.  Along that line of thought, Braxton Allen has arranged for a presentation at GCMS during part of our November 8 PLC Day on “Active Shooter Survival”.  The program will be presented at GCMS that morning and then at GCHS that afternoon.  All staff should wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes that day.  I appreciate Mr. Allen getting this set up for our staff.

Quote of the Day:
"I Didn't Set Out to Beat the World; I Just Set Out to Do My Absolute Best." - Al Oerter

Coming Attractions:
Aug. 25….GCMS Home Football Game, 5:30
Aug. 30…Back to School Cookout during lunch (provided by the GC Board of Ed. and Central Office)
Sept. 2…PLC Day (staff only, no students that day)
Sept 5…No School, Labor Day
Sept. 9….due date for PGP and SGG in CIITS

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