Thursday, October 13, 2016

Back To It!

Welcome Back!
It was good to have everyone back this week after a week of fall break.  The first quarter of the school year is always such an exciting time, but it is also a hectic time, so the break is certainly needed.  As we wind our way toward the end of this week, I have just a few notes to share.

Instructional Rounds at GCMS:
As you know, our school-based instructional rounds at GCMS are scheduled for Thursday, October 20.  We plan to get in all classrooms that day for 10 minute walk-throughs, and we will be focusing on formative assessment.  I sent you the schedule and the guiding questions which our team of observers will be considering.  I have asked our 4 teachers who have been participating in the L2L Aspiring Principals program to assist with the observations and analysis.  The team will stay after school that day to analyze our data, and then we will share our analysis with the faculty after school on Monday, October 24.

Street Heat Band at GCMS:
Our PBIS reward assembly for the students is planned for Friday afternoon of this week.  The Street Heat Band from Jefferson County will be performing for our student body at 1:00 on Friday.  We appreciate Stacy Pierce and Mr. Whitmore for making the contact and taking care of details for the concert.  The group has performed here in past years and is always a big hit with our students!

Observation window 1 is well underway and should wrap up on October 31.  If your peer observation falls in window 1, please be arranging this with your peer observer.  Also, non-tenured teachers should be arranging your first mini-observation of the year if you have not already done so.  For folks in your summative year, please remember that your peer observation needs to take place before your full observation by the principal or assistant principal.  Tenured teachers not in your summative year may set up your mini observation at any time. 

Quote of the Day:
“I bring you the gift of these four words:  I believe in you.” ~Blaise Pascal

Coming Attractions:
Oct. 14…Reward Concert for students with no referrals.
Oct. 19…Report Cards go home.
Oct. 20….Instructional Rounds at GCMS
Oct. 21…GCHS Band to perform at GCMS
Oct. 24…Faculty Meeting after school, 3:00
Oct. 24-31…Red Ribbon Week

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