Thursday, November 10, 2016

Mid-November GCMS News

Tis the Season:
It has been a brief week at Grayson County Middle School after the long weekend and Election Day.  This time of year is so broken up in the calendar that it is sometimes hard to get the “normal school” rhythm going.  We will be here all week next week, and then it’s Thanksgiving Week.  Three weeks later, its jingle all the way!  The school year is flying by, and I have just a few notes to share with you.

Veterans Day Program:
We are planning our annual Veterans Day program at GCMS for Friday, November 11.  We are hoping to have a good number of veterans and active duty military in attendance again this year.  It is so important for our students to learn about the significance of our veterans and their sacrifices for our country.  We have invited veterans to arrive at 7:30, and I would like for our GCMS staff members to come and be seated in the bleachers with the students.  The program should begin at about 7:40.  I would like to thank our veterans, whether they be staff members, parents, grandparents, or community members for their service to protect our freedoms and our nation. 

Faculty Meeting on Monday:
Our November faculty meeting is scheduled for after school on Monday, November 14.  We will meet in the library at 3:00 with our focus on the assessment work that is going on at GCMS.  We want to take a good look at feedback on assessments to make sure that we are providing the most effective feedback possible to guide student learning.  Members of the assessment committee will be leading this segment of the meeting.  As usual, the meeting should last about 45 minutes and we plan to finish before 4:00. 

Infinite Campus Parent-Portal: (repeat from last week)
We are getting more and more parents using the Infinite Campus parent portal.  This is a great sign of increasing parent involvement in student academic success.  This also makes it more important than ever for teachers to keep grade posting up-to-date in Infinite Campus.  Teachers, please make every effort to get grades in quickly.  We don’t ever want parents to check the portal and find that grades have not been posted and are not up-to-date.  This is another great way for teachers and parents to partner for student success. 

Quote of the Day:
“Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation.” ~Simon Sinek

Coming Attractions:
Nov. 10…GCMS Home Boys Basketball, 5:30
Nov. 10…GCMS Host Night for School Board meeting, 6:00
Nov. 14…November Faculty Meeting, 3:00
Nov. 14…GCMS Home Boys Basketball, 6:00
Nov. 16…Midterm Grade Reports go home
Nov. 17…GCMS Home Girls Basketball, 5:30
Nov. 21…GCMS Home Boys Basketball, 5:30
Nov. 22…GCMS Home Girls Basketball, 5:30
Nov. 23-25…No School, Thanksgiving Holiday

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