Cougar Staff:
It’s been another very busy week at GCMS, and I have a few
notes to share as the week winds down. I
hope that everyone has a restful and relaxing weekend. As the colder temperatures of November came in, I thought about how fast this school year is flying by. Earlier this week, I was asked to sing and serve as a pall bearer for the funeral of a dear family friend, Mildred Patterson, and I thought about how fast life flies by. Please take time each day to spend quality time with your family and friends. Don't let the little things in life dominate your time on earth. Here is a little video that sort of sums up this idea of keeping the first things first and not getting lost in the details. Enjoy your time and spend it wisely.
Please keep those GCMS staff members who are dealing with
health concerns in your thoughts and prayers.
Both Stacy Pierce and Laura Goff will be having surgeries on Friday
(today). I know that you join me in
wishing each a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. There are many others who have illness, sick
children, family members with health concerns, and on and on. Please remember your GCMS family.
Non-Tenured Teacher Observations:
Please remember that all non-tenured teachers must have one
formal classroom observation each semester.
If you have not already had your observation, then please get together
with the administrator in charge of your evaluation to schedule your
observation. These should be completed
by December 15. Tenured teachers are
required one formal classroom observation each year, and it is fine for tenured
teachers to go ahead and have your observations early in the year.
Thank You Team 1:
I heard many positive comments about the showcase lesson day
hosted by Team 1 earlier this week! I enjoyed
visiting each classroom myself. The
students and teachers were highly engaged, and a high level of learning was
happening. Thanks for a job well done. We look forward to continuing visiting
classrooms throughout the building as we share strategies and learn with and
from each other. The peer observation
component of TPGES will be structured differently from showcase lessons, but it
is certainly great experience for teachers to get in each other’s rooms like
this. We are moving in the right direction!
Veterans Day:
I want to thank everyone who was involved in helping to make
this year’s Veterans Day program such a great success. The GCMS choir, led by Teresa Jarboe, did a
wonderful job. Our Boy Scouts from
Grayson County Troup 631 were outstanding as well. Ben
Jackson did a great job in sounding Taps.
As an old trumpet player from way back, I can tell you that playing Taps
in front of a large crowd is a lot of pressure on a young fella! It was especially great to see so many
veterans with us on Monday. They really
seemed to enjoy and appreciate the program.
Our students were very well behaved and respectful. Again, a big thank you to all of our veterans
for their service to this great nation.
Congratulations to Lea Ann Frank and the GCMS Energy Team
for winning a $700 grant from Warren RECC.
The team has proposed to install motion sensors to control the lighting
in some of our restrooms at GCMS. This
way when the restrooms are not in use, we will not be wasting electricity
through lighting. Great idea!
Bonus Checks:
The Grayson County School Board approved a 1.5 percent bonus
for employees at Thursday night’s board meeting. Employees should receive the bonus checks before
Friday, November 29.
Quote of the Day:
“You can make your life whatever you want it to be.” ~Wally
Coming Attractions:
20.....6th Grade Back to the Future Day
20.....GCMS Site Based Council Meeting, 3:00
25-29..No School, Thanksgiving Week
Dec. 9......Christmas Breakfast at GCMS sponsored by GCBOE
10.....GCMS Christmas Dinner, 6:00 pm at GCMS
20.....Last day before Christmas Break (that day, we will be using our
Mon-Thurs schedule)
Dec. 21-Jan.
5..Christmas Break
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