Friday, November 1, 2013

This Week at GCMS

Cougar Staff:
Thanks for another great week at Grayson County Middle School!  It has been busy and crazy at times, with Red Ribbon Week and Halloween, but in all a great week.  Thanks for a very productive PLC Day today.  I felt like we had some really good conversations about learning targets this morning and about standards based grading this afternoon.  Thank you to the teachers from the teams piloting standards based grading for sharing their experiences so far.  Everyone seemed receptive and interested in doing whatever will benefit students most.  I look forward to more teams considering adopting this approach to instruction and grading.

Staff Concerns:
I know that we have several GCMS staff members and family members who are dealing with health concerns and medical issues right now.  Please remember each other in your thoughts and prayers during difficult times.

Program Review Gallery Walk:
We got a really good response from today's program review gallery walk.  I know that so many of you are doing so many things in your classrooms that will reflect favorably in our school program review.  It is very important that we get these things documented as supporting evidence.

Thanks for helping our students to have fun and "be kids" at GCMS on Halloween.  The costume contest was a lot of fun, and the students loved the staff performance of "What Does the Fox Say?"  Great job!

Quote of the Day:
"Narrow-minded people are similar to narrow-necked bottles.  The less they have in them, the more noise they make pouring it out." ~Alexander Pope

Coming Attractions:
Nov. 6....................Team 6 Showcase Lessons
Nov. 11…………..Veterans Day Program, 7:45 am
Nov. 12..................Team 1 Showcase Lessons
Nov. 13..................Progress Reports go home
Nov. 20……….….6th Grade Back to the Future Day
Nov. 20.................GCMS Site Based Council Meeting, 3:00
Nov. 25-29............No School, Thanksgiving Week

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