Thursday, October 29, 2015

Good Bye October!

This Week at GCMS:
Halloween week, Red Ribbon Week, and a full moon…if that is not the perfect storm, I don’t know what is!  I appreciate everyone working hard and taking care of these 1,010 wiggly kids this week.  I hope that everyone enjoys the well-deserved long weekend.

A Bright Future:
Thinking about the makeup of our faculty at GCMS, we have a great mix of veteran and newer teachers.  Our core of veterans is very strong and provides great teacher leadership.  Mr. Whitmore, Mrs. Miller, and I have recently completed the first round of mini-observations for all of our non-tenured teachers, and I would just like to say that the future is very bright at GCMS!  Our newest teachers are doing a fantastic job with GCMS students!  It is so renewing and inspiring to see the enthusiasm and energy in these classrooms.  Keep up the great work!

Tuesday PLC Day:
We have a special guest speaker here for our PLC Day on Tuesday.  The sessions will be on relational aggression, conflict, and bullying.  We all know that middle school is the peak age group for bullying behaviors.  It is also the peak age group for many other inappropriate behaviors.  I believe this will be a very beneficial day for our staff.  We will meet in the library at 8:00 on Tuesday morning.

Boys Basketball:
Our GCMS boys basketball teams began the season this week with victories at Whitesville.  Our first boys home game will be this coming Thursday night, November 5 at 5:30.  Come out and support the Cougars!

Congratulations Band!
Our GCHS marching band finished in the top 4 at regionals and will be competing at state semi-finals in Bowling Green on Saturday.  There are many middle school band students who also participate in high school band, and we are very proud of them.  Good luck band!

Second Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Our parent involvement committee has recommended that GCMS have parent/teacher conferences during the 2nd 9 weeks.  Rather than having an additional evening conference, we will offer conferences on three consecutive days during planning and/or right after school.  These conferences will be by appointment and may be whole team if desired.  Please mark this on your calendar for November 17, 18, 19.  That’s the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the week before Thanksgiving week.  I will announce it to parents a week or so in advance so that they can contact teachers if they would like a conference.

Quote of the Day:
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

Coming Attractions:
Nov. 2…No School
Nov. 3…PLC Day (election day)
Nov. 5…GCMS Boys Basketball hosts Owensboro, 5:30
Nov. 11…Veterans Day program, 7:45 am
Nov. 12…GC BOE meeting at GCMS, 6:00
Nov . 13…”Juggling Up the Ladder” assembly 1st period
Nov. 16…Faculty Meeting, 3:00
Nov. 18…SBDMC Meeting, 3:15

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